western australia
When you’re stuck in the meeting from hell, it’s easy to distract yourself with visions of exotic beaches, African savannah or some sun-soaked Tuscan Villa. But really, there’s some pretty…
I won’t lie: extensive travel has made me somewhat immune to the effects of seeing a remarkable location for the first time. I pinch myself less. My breath’s hardly ever…
ATA trip leader Damian Thornton has been leading trips through Western Australia and the Top End for the past 4 years. On a recent overland road trip from Broome to…
If you’ve always thought of Western Australia as a big hole in the ground where we dig for the precious metals and opals and magic pixie dust that somehow drives the…
I don’t know what I expected swimming alongside a Whale Shark to remind me of, but what I didn’t expect it to remind me of was being a journalist chasing around…
The Gibb River road is an unsealed track that runs through the heart of the rugged Kimberley region. The former stock route traverses ranges and rivers 660km from Derby in the…
Australia. The great land of opportunity. But in 2016 a lot of young Aussies don’t seem to think so. Most of us view Australia as small fry; a splodge on the…
When you’re driving along unsealed roads through one of the world’s last great wildernesses, it pays to have a safe spot to call home. For us, and a lot of…
A lot of places are spruiked as ‘remote’ or ‘un-mapped’, and it’s easy to get a little cynical. Yeah, yeah, we think, there’s probably a McDonalds on every corner and…